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2 January 2010
first day petitions for signatures in lieu of filing fees to be available for candidates in 8 June 2010 primary


Peace and Freedom 2008 Campaign News

News Coverage

The articles below include coverage of Peace and Freedom Party candidates, or of the Peace and Freedom Party's electoral work more generally.

  • "Third Parties" show including P&F, 29 January 2008, KVPR Radio consisted of interviews with representatives of California's four ballot-qualified "third parties", including Vickie Fouts for P&F
  • P&F Presidential Candidate Debate, 18 January 2008, KPFA Radio consisted of a debate among three of the seven candidates on the February 5th Presidential preference primary ballot
  • Evening News story, 12 January 2008, KPFA Radio coverage of San Francisco P&F Presidential Candidates Forum

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